Our Clients

We have about a thousand clients in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Here is a random selection of twenty (list changes every three hours).

Client Name Location
ADRA KenyaNairobi
AKF-First Microfinance Agency (Tanzania)Mtwara
Al Gadhir Medical ClinicNairobi
Anglican Development Services PwaniMombasa
ARN Consultants and Security Services Ltd.Nairobi
British Institute in Eastern AfricaNairobi
Brookhouse Schools LtdNairobi
Chiromo Lane Medical CentreNairobi
Crown Solutions (K) LtdNairobi
Instarect LtdNairobi
Interconsumer Products LtdNairobi
Mineral Mining Corporation (1965) LtdNairobi
Nampak Kenya LtdThika
Nyali Baptist ChurchMombasa
Pastoralist Girls InitiativeGarissa
Renova Ltd Nairobi
Secureman Services LtdNairobi
Stawika Capital LtdNairobi
Tarpo Industries (U) LtdKampala
Tosha Products (K) LtdKiambaa