We have about a thousand clients in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Here is a random selection of twenty (list changes every three hours).
Client Name | Location |
ADRA Kenya | Nairobi |
Amana Capital Ltd | Nairobi |
Arigatou International Kenya | Nairobi |
B2K Services Ltd | Mombasa |
Brighton International Schools Ltd | Nairobi |
Catholic Church Diocese of Eldoret | Eldoret |
Chiromo Lane Medical Centre | Nairobi |
Kijabe Printing Press Ltd | Kijabe |
Loreto Institute | Nairobi |
MGN Associates LLP | Nairobi |
Mt. Laverna School P. | Nairobi |
Primetech Industries (EA) Ltd | Nairobi |
Reltex Tarpaulins (Africa) EPZ Ltd | Athi River |
Rogers Aviation Kenya Ltd | Nairobi |
Royal Elite Schools | Dar es Salaam |
Sanken Overseas (Kenya) Ltd | Mombasa |
Starshine Blue School | Nairobi |
Swift Freight International Ugandan Ltd | Kampala |
The Maa Trust | Maasai Mara |
Waterview Trading Ltd | Nairobi |