Our Clients

We have about a thousand clients in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Here is a random selection of twenty (list changes every three hours).

Client Name Location
ADRA KenyaNairobi
Amana Capital LtdNairobi
Arigatou International KenyaNairobi
B2K Services LtdMombasa
Brighton International Schools LtdNairobi
Catholic Church Diocese of EldoretEldoret
Chiromo Lane Medical CentreNairobi
Kijabe Printing Press LtdKijabe
Loreto InstituteNairobi
MGN Associates LLPNairobi
Mt. Laverna School P.Nairobi
Primetech Industries (EA) LtdNairobi
Reltex Tarpaulins (Africa) EPZ LtdAthi River
Rogers Aviation Kenya LtdNairobi
Royal Elite SchoolsDar es Salaam
Sanken Overseas (Kenya) LtdMombasa
Starshine Blue SchoolNairobi
Swift Freight International Ugandan LtdKampala
The Maa TrustMaasai Mara
Waterview Trading LtdNairobi